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上高地-日本阿爾卑斯山間,一個令人驚艷的山岳度假勝地。到上高地非常簡單,從松本、從東京都可直達。然而,你如果只有在白天來,那麼你將錯過上高地最精華的部分。 上高地Lemeiesta Hotel和銀河 ©H.SASAHARA...


大家都知道,上高地冬天將不開放 。但是,真的完全進不去嗎?封閉期間(11月16日~4月16日)為旅館和商店將不營業,再者,巴士將停駛。如果你想看冬天的上高地,你可以用走的或試試雪地健行。 如何到那裡? 搭乘松本-高山路線巴士,在K-26中之湯巴士站下車(見Google...


熱愛登山和戶外活動的你,看過來!上高地不是只有河童橋喔!這篇記事將引領大家到標高 2 ,455公尺的活火山「燒岳」。燒岳只要一天內即可攻頂,算是日本北阿爾卑斯山群裡的人氣旺旺的入門山之一。 基本資料 距離:8.8公里 標高差:921公尺...

A day trip climbing the active volcano “Mt. Yake”

For anyone who loves trekking, mountain climbing or the outdoor, please gather here! Kamikochi has so much more to offer than just Kappa...

Winter Trekking in Kamikochi

Kamikochi is known to be closed during winter. Well, it is not completely true. Closing period (Nov. 16 – Apr. 16) means that all the...

A Complete Guide to Discounted Bus Passes to KAMIKOCHI

As the title says, this blog will give you every details about all the discounted bus passes that bring you to Kamikochi. 1. 2 Day Free...

Beautiful Kamikochi after the rain

People may wish for nothing but clear blue skies on the day they have an outdoor trip. Me too, until last Saturday when I had a plan to...

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