你喜歡日本的食物嗎?壽司、生魚片、和牛、天婦羅~日本的美食選擇很多樣。如果你是日本美食的老饕,那麼你一定不能錯過日本正宗的會席料理! 秋季會席料理@翔峰 「和食(日本傳統料理)」已被世界文化遺產UNESCO認定為無形文化遺產。會席是傳統日本料理中的類型之一,由12種不同質感...
你喜歡日本的食物嗎?壽司、生魚片、和牛、天婦羅~日本的美食選擇很多樣。如果你是日本美食的老饕,那麼你一定不能錯過日本正宗的會席料理! 秋季會席料理@翔峰 「和食(日本傳統料理)」已被世界文化遺產UNESCO認定為無形文化遺產。會席是傳統日本料理中的類型之一,由12種不同質感...
Do you love Japanese food? Sushi, sashimi, wagyu beef, tempura – there are so many delicious dishes to choose from. If you are as crazy...
Those who are going from Matsumoto to Mt. Norikura (Tatamidaira) have to transfer buses at the transport hub N-29 Norikura Kogen Tourist...
也許你曾經聽過「日本黃金路線」,但你聽過「三星街道」嗎? 三星街道觀光路線,是由日本米其林綠色指南所認證的三星景點所串連而成。這些景點美到讓人無法呼吸,又充滿歷史文化氣息。 三星街道巴士票,讓你用最輕鬆地方式欣賞日本絕佳的景色。或許你已經去過東京、京都等地,用這組套票是很棒...
Some of you might have heard about the “Golden Route” of Japan before, but have you ever heard about the amazing “Three-Star Route”? The...
擺脫每天的繁忙來戶隱吧! 戶隱是一個神聖且附有靈性的地方,坐落在充滿豐富自然和千年歷史文化的戶隱山裡。從長野車站有巴士可直達,車程大約1小時,非常適合一日遊。(參照底部有更詳細的交通介紹和戶隱巴士五日周遊券介紹!) 神靈的連結從戶隱的歷史而來。根據日本經典傳說,天照大神對她...
Untouched by the busyness of everyday life, Togakushi is a sacred spiritual spot located on Mt. Togakushi blessed with abundant nature...
Hakuba is an excellent ski resort and was once a venue of the Winter Olympics in 1998. In winter, it is a mecca for ski lovers, while in...
There are many of those who have visited Japan several times before but still haven’t heard of this place. I am not sure if this is the...
Looking for a nice onsen with a jaw-dropping view of the Northern Japanese Alps? Put "Hotel SHOHO" in your accommodation choices! The...